LD 52
pg. 1
LD 52 Title Page An Act to Limit the Number of Chances a Person Has in the Moose Lottery LD 52 Title Page
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LR 342
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7463-A, sub-§4-A, as repealed and replaced by PL
1993, c. 574, §22, is amended to read:

4-A. Subpermittees. A person may not hunt moose with a
permittee unless the person is a subpermittee authorized in
accordance with this subsection. An applicant for a moose permit
may indicate on the application filed pursuant to subsection 6 6-
A the name of a subpermittee-designate and the name of an
alternate subpermittee-designate. If the applicant is issued a
moose permit under subsection 7, the subpermittee-designate
becomes a subpermittee and the permittee may authorize the
subpermittee to participate in the moose hunt with the permittee.
The permittee may authorize the alternate subpermittee-designate
to participate in the hunt in place of the subpermittee-designate
if the permittee notifies the department of the authorization at
least 5 business days prior to the first day of the moose season,
in which case, the alternate subpermittee-designate becomes the
subpermittee. The permittee may choose not to authorize a
subpermittee to participate in the hunt, but a subpermittee must
always be in the presence of the permittee while hunting moose.
A subpermittee is not in the presence of the permittee if contact
between the permittee and the subpermittee requires visual or
audio enhancement devices, including binoculars or citizen band
radios. A permittee may hunt moose with no more than one
authorized subpermittee.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §7463-A, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1997, c. 24, Pt. I,
§3, is repealed.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §7463-A, sub-§6-A is enacted to read:

6-A.__Application procedure for residents and nonresidents.__
Eligible persons wishing to apply for a permit must file a
written application for a permit on a form furnished by the
commissioner.__The application fee may not be refunded.__A person
may not file more than one application.__Any person who submits
more than one application is disqualified from the selection of
permittees.__The application must be accompanied by an
application fee of $5 for a one-chance application for residents
and $10 for a one-chance application for nonresidents.


This bill limits the number of chances a person has in the
moose lottery to one chance for both residents and nonresidents.

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