LD 421
pg. 1
LD 421 Title Page An Act to Reinstitute the Auditing of State Agencies by the Department of Audit... LD 421 Title Page
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LR 130
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §243-A is enacted to read:

§243-A.__Random auditing of state agencies

In addition to the powers and duties specified in section 243,
the Department of Audit shall conduct random audits of state
departments and agencies to sample the accuracy of the financial
records of those departments and agencies and report to the joint
standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
state and local government matters and appropriations and
financial affairs no later than March 1, 2002 and no later than
March 1st of each year thereafter on the random auditing of state
agencies.__ The report must include at a minimum the number of
random audits conducted, the agencies and departments audited and
an assessment of findings and recommendations resulting from the
additional audits.


This bill requires the Department of Audit to conduct random
audits of state departments and agencies.

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