LD 441
pg. 1
LD 441 Title Page Resolve, to Expand Access to Certified Nursing Assistant Training Programs ... LD 441 Title Page
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LR 1622
Item 1

Sec. 1. Expanding access to certified nursing assistant training programs. Resolved:
That, by November 1, 2001, the Department of Human Services, the
Department of Education and the State Board of Nursing shall
amend their policies, procedures, forms and any other necessary
documents to permit the following practices for students applying
for or currently enrolled in the Department of Education and the
State Board of Nursing's prescribed curriculum for nursing
assistant training programs:

1. A student's employer may pay the full cost of the nursing
assistant training program;

2. A student's employer may pay the student for the time the
student spends fulfilling the requirements of the nursing
assistant program; and

3. A student may be employed by the clinical training site or
any other health care facility during the nursing assistant
training course as long as the student is not employed as a
nursing assistant and does not provide direct patient care in the
course of that employment; and be if further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That the Department of Human Services, the
Department of Education and the State Board of Nursing shall
report the amendments required pursuant to section one of this
resolve to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human
Services no later than November 1, 2001.


This resolve expands access to certified nursing assistant
training programs by requiring the Department of Human Services,
the Department of Education and the State Board of Nursing to
expand their policies, procedures, forms and any other necessary
documents to allow a student's employer to pay the full cost of
the program, allow a student's employer to pay the student for
time spent taking classes and to allow a student to be employed
by the clinical training site or any other health care facility
during nursing assistant training courses. This resolve also
requires the Department of Human Services, the Department of
Education and the State Board of Nursing to report to the Joint
Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by November 1,

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