LD 742
pg. 1
LD 742 Title Page An Act to Provide Fishing Access Signs LD 742 Title Page
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LR 607
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7035, sub-§13, ķA, as corrected by RR 1997, c. 1, §9,
is amended to read:

A. A program that supports landowners, called the Support
Landowners Program. Twelve dollars of each $15 collected
under section 7076, subsection 12-A is dedicated to the
Support Landowners Program. The Support Landowners Program

(1) Offer a toll-free number for landowner concerns;

(2) From among existing staff, appoint a landowner
relations coordinator at the Augusta office of the
department and regional landowner relations
coordinators at the regional offices. Regional
landowner relations coordinators may be appointed only
from the department's recreational safety coordinators
and volunteers;

(3) Provide linkage with local conservation
organizations, volunteer groups and advisory groups;

(4) Enhance enforcement of trespass, dumping and
property damage violations;

(5) Provide educational materials and signs;

(5-A)__Develop, distribute and erect signs that direct
anglers to water access sites;

(6) Coordinate with other related landowner relations
activities, including Landowner Recognition Day; and

(7) Encourage landowners who only allow access to
their property with permission to conspicuously post
signs on the property indicating the name and address
of the owner or other person with authority to grant
permission; and


This bill authorizes the support landowners program of the
landowner relations program in the Department of Inland Fisheries
and Wildlife to develop, distribute and erect signs that direct
anglers to water access sites.

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