LD 804
pg. 1
LD 804 Title Page An Act to Transfer Health Insurance Eligibility to the Spouse of a Deceased Tea... LD 804 Title Page
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LR 1638
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §13451, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 652, §3
and affected by §4, is further amended to read:

2. Eligibility; retired teacher members. Any retired teacher
who receives a retirement benefit from the Maine State Retirement
System is eligible for group accident and sickness or health
insurance, provided that the retired teacher also meets the
eligibility requirements for participation imposed by the group
plan that governed the teacher last as an active teacher and
participated in the plan for one year immediately prior to
retirement or October 1, 1987, whichever comes last. Retired
teachers may not be required to maintain a dues-paying
membership in any organization as a requirement for participation
in a group health insurance plan under this subsection. If a
retired teacher who participates in the group health insurance
plan under this subsection dies, the surviving spouse of the
retired teacher is eligible for the same level of benefits under
this subsection provided the surviving spouse also meets the
eligibility requirements for participation imposed by the group
plan on the retired teacher.

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §13451, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1997, c. 643, Pt.
OO, §1 and affected by §3, is further amended to read:

3. Payment by State. The State shall pay 30% of the retired
teacher members' share of this insurance. If a retired teacher
member who is enrolled in the group accident and sickness or
health insurance plan dies, the State shall pay 30% of the
surviving spouse's share of this insurance.


Current law requires the State to pay 30% of the cost of group
accident and sickness or health insurance for a retired teacher.
This bill allows the surviving spouse of a retired teacher to
participate in the group insurance plan and requires the State to
pay 30% of the share of the costs of the insurance for that
surviving spouse.

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