LD 840
pg. 1
LD 840 Title Page An Act to Streamline Installation of Private Electrical Lines LD 840 Title Page
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LR 695
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 35-A MRSA §2523 is enacted to read:

§2523.__Private line extensions

If a private line extension from a transmission and
distribution utility's line is built in accordance with the
National Electric Safety Code, the National Electrical Code and
all applicable state and local codes as well as any transmission
and distribution utility requirements contained in its filed
tariffs, the transmission and distribution utility may not
establish or require satisfaction of further conditions,
including any requirement that the person provide the utility
with certification from a registered professional engineer that
the line is designed and constructed to meet the requirements of
national electric codes or utility requirements, as a
precondition to connecting the person's private line extension to
the utility's system.


This bill provides that if a private line extension from a
transmission and distribution utility's line is built in
accordance with national, state and local codes as well as any
transmission and distribution utility requirements contained in
its filed tariffs, the transmission and distribution utility may
not establish or require satisfaction of further conditions as a
precondition to connecting the person's private line extension to
the utility's system.

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