LD 1055
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LD 1055 Title Page An Act to Regulate Push Polling Page 2 of 2
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LR 2038
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1001, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Push poll.__"Push poll" is defined as follows.

A.__"Push poll" means telephone surveys that interview
voters and are designed to influence a voter's decision with
questions that:

(1)__Intentionally purport to be part of an objective
opinion poll concerning an issue or issues but that are
worded to suggest answers that support a certain
position concerning the issue or issues;

(2)__Do not request demographic information but are
targeted to a particular demographic group or groups;

(3)__Result in encouraging a voter to support or not
support a candidate or candidates, a political party or
issues; or

(4)__Result in subsequent telephone calls that
encourage a voter to support or not support a candidate
or candidates, a political party or issues.

B.__"Push poll" does not include generally accepted
scientific polling research, including, but not limited to,
surveys that:

(1)__Measure the public's opinion about or reaction to
an issue, fact or theme;

(2)__Are at least 5 minutes in length if completed; and

(3)__Request demographic information for data

Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §1014-B is enacted to read:

§1014-B.__Push polling; disclosure; violation

Any person conducting a push poll on the telephone for any
candidate for office shall disclose the name and address of the
organization or company conducting the poll, the name and address
of the person or organization who financed the expenditure for
the poll and, if the poll is authorized by the candidate, the
name of the candidate and the office for which the candidate is
running.__A person who violates this section commits a Class E

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