LD 1076
pg. 1
LD 1076 Title Page Resolve, Authorizing Arnold Smith to Sue the State LD 1076 Title Page
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LR 2000
Item 1

Sec. 1. Authorization to sue State. Resolved: That notwithstanding any
statute or any other provision of law, Arnold Smith as personal
representative of the estate of Kristen Smith, who claims to have
suffered damages as a result of the murder of Kristen Smith by an
individual recently under the supervision of the Department of
Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
and ongoing supervision of the Department of Corrections, is
authorized to bring a civil action against the State of Maine,
but not against individual past or present employees of the

This action may be brought in the Kennebec County Superior
Court within one year from the date this resolve is approved.
Liability and damages, including punitive damages, must be
determined according to state law as in litigation between
individuals. The action may be heard by a Justice of the
Superior Court or by a jury. The Maine Rules of Civil Procedure
govern the conduct of the action. The Attorney General shall
appear, answer and defend the action.

The Treasurer of State shall pay any judgment, including costs
and interest, on final process issued by the Superior Court or,
if applicable, the Supreme Judicial Court. Recovery may not
exceed $200,000, including costs and interest.


This resolve authorizes Arthur Smith as personal
representative of the estate of Kristen Smith to sue the State
for damages resulting from the murder of Kristen Smith by an
individual under the supervision of the Department of Mental
Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the
Department of Corrections.

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