LD 1084
pg. 1
LD 1084 Title Page An Act to Increase the Penalty for Criminal Homicide Caused by a Person Operati... LD 1084 Title Page
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LR 1375
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §2411, sub-§6, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1999, c.
703, §1, are amended to read:

A. In fact caused serious bodily injury as defined in Title
17-A, section 2, subsection 23 to another person or in fact
caused the death of another person; or

B. Has either a prior conviction for a Class C crime under
this section or a prior criminal homicide conviction
involving or resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle
while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs or
with a blood-alcohol content of 0.08% or greater.

Sec. 2. 29-A MRSA §2411, sub-6-A is enacted to read:

6-A.__Criminal homicide.__An operator commits a Class B crime
if the State pleads and proves that the operator, while operating
a motor vehicle in violation of this section:

A.__In fact caused the death of another person; or

B.__Has either a prior conviction for a Class B crime under
this section or a prior criminal homicide conviction
involving or resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle
while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs or
with a blood-alcohol content of 0.08% or greater.

The sentence must include a period of incarceration of not less
than 12 months, a fine of not less than $4,000 and a court-
ordered suspension of a driver's license for a period of 12
years.__These penalties may not be suspended.


Current law provides a Class C crime, punishable by at least 6
months incarceration, for a person who, while intoxicated,
seriously injures or causes the death of another person.

This bill creates a separate crime for a person who, while
intoxicated, causes the death of another person and increases the
offense to a Class B crime, punishable by at least one year in

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