LD 1261
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LD 1261 Title Page An Act to Promote Abstinence in Sex Education and through Public Education ... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2257
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §12004-I, sub-§30-A is enacted to read:

30-A. MaineExpenses22 MRSA




Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §4709-A is enacted to read:

§4709-A.__Sex education and human sexuality instruction

An elementary or secondary school may include sex education
and human sexuality instruction as part of the school's
curriculum.__Sex education and human sexuality instruction must
include the following components.

1.__Sex education and sexually transmitted diseases.__Course
materials and instruction relating to sex education and sexually
transmitted diseases may include:

A.__An emphasis on sexual abstinence as the only completely
reliable method of avoiding unwanted teenage pregnancy and
sexually transmitted diseases;

B.__An emphasis on the importance of self-control,
responsibility and ethical conduct in making decisions
relating to sexual behavior;

C.__Statistics, based upon the latest medical information,
that indicate the efficacy of the various forms of

D.__Information concerning the laws relating to the
financial responsibilities associated with pregnancy,
childbirth and child rearing;

E.__Information concerning the laws prohibiting sexual abuse
and the legal and counseling options available to victims of
sexual abuse;

F.__Information on how to cope with and rebuff unwanted
physical and verbal sexual advances and the importance of
avoiding the sexual exploitation of another person;

G.__Psychologically sound methods of resisting unwanted peer
pressure; and

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