LD 1288
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LD 1288 Title Page An Act to Make Refusing a Blood-alcohol Test a Crime Page 2 of 2
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LR 425
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §2411, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1997, c. 727, §§8 to
11, is further amended to read:

5. Penalties. The following minimum penalties apply and may
not be suspended:

A. For a person having no previous OUI offenses within a
10-year period:

(1) A fine of not less than $400, except that if the
person failed to submit to a test, a fine of not less
than $500;

(2) A court-ordered suspension of a driver's license
for a period of 90 days; and

(3) A period of incarceration as follows:

(a) Not less than 48 hours when the person:

(i) Was tested as having a blood-alcohol
level of 0.15% or more;

(ii) Was exceeding the speed limit by 30
miles per hour or more;

(iii) Eluded or attempted to elude an
officer; or

(iv) Was operating with a passenger under 21
years of age; and

(b) Not less than 96 hours when the person failed
to submit to a test at the request of a law
enforcement officer;

B. For a person having one previous OUI offense within a
10-year period:

(1) A fine of not less than $600, except that if the
person failed to submit to a test at the request of a
law enforcement officer, a fine of not less than $800;

(2) A period of incarceration of not less than 7 days,
except that if the person failed to submit to a test at
the request of a law enforcement officer, a period of
incarceration of not less than 12 days;

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