LD 1344
pg. 1
LD 1344 Title Page Resolve, Establishing the Blue Ribbon Commission to Review Foster Care and Adop... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Sec. 1. Commission established. Resolved: That the Blue Ribbon
Commission to Review Foster Care and Adoption Systems in the
State, referred to in this resolve as the "commission," is
established as follows.

1. Membership. The commission consists of the following 11

A. Two members of the Senate, one of whom serves on the
Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services and
one of whom serves on the Joint Standing Committee on
Judiciary, appointed by the President of the Senate;

B. Four members from the House of Representatives, two of
whom serve on the Joint Standing Committee on Health and
Human Services and two of whom serve on the Joint Standing
Committee on Judiciary, appointed by the Speaker of the

C. One member of the clergy in the State, jointly appointed
by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House

D. One social worker, jointly appointed by the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the House;

E. One representative of an organization in the State with
an interest in foster care, jointly appointed by the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House;

F. One attorney who specializes in foster care issues,
jointly appointed by the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House; and

G. One foster parent, jointly appointed by the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the House.

2. Chairs. The first named Senate member is the Senate chair
and the first named House of Representatives member is the House

3. Appointments; meetings. All appointments must be made no
later than 30 days following the effective date of this resolve.
The Executive Director of the Legislative Council must be
notified by all appointing authorities once the selections have
been made. When the appointment of all members has been
completed, the chairs of the commission shall call and convene
the first meeting of the commission no later than 10 days after
all members have been appointed. The commission shall conduct at
least 6 meetings.

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