LD 1490
pg. 1
LD 1490 Title Page Resolve, to Establish the Commission to Develop and Finance Health Care Coverag... Page 2 of 2
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Emergency preamble. Whereas, Acts and resolves of the Legislature do
not become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless
enacted as emergencies; and

Whereas, the Governor's Year 2000 Blue Ribbon Commission on
Health Care found that Maine's "health care delivery and
financing system is inefficient, unreasonably complicated, and
unfair; that people in Maine are not as healthy as they could be,
and efforts to improve health status are inadequate; and many in
Maine are unable to obtain health care of the type and quality
that they need"; and

Whereas, the commission established in this resolve must begin
its work as soon as possible to address the problems with Maine's
health care delivery and financing system to alleviate increasing
health care costs and expand access to health care for Maine's
citizens; and

Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create
an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and
require the following legislation as immediately necessary for
the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,
therefore, be it

Sec. 1. Commission established. Resolved: That the Commission to Develop
and Finance Health Care Coverage for All Maine People, referred
to in this resolve as the "commission" is established; and be it

Sec. 2. Membership. Resolved: That the commission consists of the
following 17 members:

1. Six members appointed by the President of the Senate as

A. Two members of the Senate. When making these
appointments, the President of the Senate must give
preference to a member serving on the Joint Standing
Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs and to a
member serving on the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation;

B. A member of a statewide organization representing
insured health care consumers;

C. A member of a statewide organization representing rural
health clinics;

D. A member of the Medicaid Advisory Committee; and

E. A member of a statewide organization representing labor;

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