LD 2165
pg. 1
LD 2165 Title Page Resolve, to Allow Julie Harrington to Sue the State LD 2165 Title Page
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LR 3496
Item 1

Sec. 1. Waiver of immunity; authorization to sue State. Resolved: That,
notwithstanding any law to the contrary, Julie Harrington, who
claims that the State is using a computer program that she
created in violation of her alleged copyrights in that software,
is authorized to bring a civil action against the State.

This action may be brought within one year from the date this
resolve is approved. The Attorney General shall appear and
answer and defend the action.

The Treasurer of State shall pay any judgment, including cost
and interest, on final process issued by the court.


This resolve authorizes Julie Harrington to bring a civil
action against the State for damages resulting from the alleged
use by the State of a computer program that she created in
violation of her alleged copyrights in that software.

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