LD 2197
pg. 1
LD 2197 Title Page An Act Concerning Disability Retirement Benefits under the Maine State Retireme... LD 2197 Title Page
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LR 3552
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. PL 2001, c. 443, §6 is amended to read:

*Sec. 6. Restoration of benefit reductions. The Maine State Retirement
System shall suspend implementation of Private and Special Law
1995, chapter 38, section 1 until January 1, 2003 February 15,
2004 and shall reverse any permanent disability benefit
reductions pursuant to that section that have occurred as a
result of a benefit recipient's actual earnings in calendar years
1999 and 2000.


This bill extends the suspension of the implementation of
permanent reductions to disability retirement benefits for
certain recipients based on earnings in calendar years 1999 and
2000 from January 1, 2003 until February 15, 2004. This results
in the payment of disability benefits that otherwise would not
have been payable. The impact is that no liabilities are
created, but a reduction of the total assets of the Maine State
Retirement System would result. The amount of that reduction in
total assets can not be determined but would ultimately be
reflected in the ongoing normal cost component of the employer
retirement rate resulting in increased employer contributions to
the Maine State Retirement System for state employees and


This bill extends the rollback of disability retirement
benefit reductions based on increased earnings capacity by the
Maine State Retirement System under Public Law 2001, chapter 443
from January 1, 2003 to February 15, 2004.

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