LD 2202
pg. 1
LD 2202 Title Page An Act to Ensure that 25% of Workers' Compensation Cases with Permanent Impairm... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3594
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 39-A MRSA §213, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885, Pt. A,
§8 and as affected by §§9 to 11, is amended to read:

2. Threshold adjustment. Effective January 1, 1998 and every
other January 1st thereafter, the board, using an independent
actuarial review based upon actuarially sound data and
methodology, must adjust the 15% impairment threshold established
in subsection 1 so that 25% of all cases with permanent
impairment will be expected to exceed the threshold and 75% of
all cases with permanent impairment will be expected to be less
than the threshold. The actuarial review must include all cases
receiving permanent impairment ratings on or after January 1,
1993, irrespective of date of injury, but may utilize a cutoff
date of 90 days prior to each adjustment date to permit the
collection and analysis of data. The data must be adjusted to
reflect ultimate loss development. In order to ensure the
accuracy of the data, the board shall require that all cases
involving permanent injury, including those settled pursuant to
section 352, include an impairment rating performed in accordance
with the guidelines adopted by the board and either agreed to by
the parties or determined by the board reflecting only permanent
impairment that results from a work injury, including permanent
impairment that exists as a result of the injury's having
aggravated or accelerated a preexisting condition or injury.__The
impairment ratings may not reflect permanent impairment to the
body parts or conditions not medically affected by the work
injury even if those impairments or conditions combine with the
work injury to give rise to a compensable disability for the
purposes of section 201, subsection 4. Each adjusted threshold
is applicable to all cases with dates of injury on or after the
date of adjustment and prior to the date of the next adjustment.

The data used by the board for the purpose described in this
subsection must reflect or may be adjusted to reflect only that
permanent impairment that results from a work injury, including
permanent impairment that exists as a result of the injury's
having aggravated or accelerated a preexisting condition or
injury.__The data may not reflect permanent impairment to body
parts or conditions not affected by the work injury even if those
preexisting conditions or injuries combine with the work injury
to give rise to a compensable disability for the purposes of
section 201, subsection 4.

These standards apply with like force to individual permanent
impairment assessments performed for the purposes of determining
whether an employee is eligible for partial incapacity benefits
for the duration of the disability in accordance with this
subsection and subsection 1.

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