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You can find links to the House Legislative Record for those sessions here - - and you can find links to the Legislative Records of the Maine Senate under the Historical link on the left of the Senate’s home page The Record is the transcript of the debate on the floor of the House and Senate, generally in Word or PDF format.
To find Committee Information on a bill, including information about public hearings and work sessions, you can start at the House home page and click the "Bill Status" link. Enter the LD number you want information about and click "go search." Choose "Committee Info" from the list on the left. That shows you which committee is considering the bill, and will provide information about the public hearing if one has been scheduled. If there are work sessions scheduled, those would also appear on that page. For an example of a bill with several types of committee information, you could enter LD ___ on the Bill Status page and go to Committee Info; you'll notice that LD ___ has been voted on by the Committee but has not yet been reported out. OTP-Am means "Ought to Pass as Amended" so it is probably waiting for the amendment to be written - a process that might take several weeks, depending how many amendment requests the people doing the drafting have in front of them.
Roll calls are published on the web site. You need to go to our Bill Status page (one way to get there is to go to the House home page and click the "Bill Status" link). Type in the LD number you're interested in, and hit Enter or click "Go Search." There's a link for "Roll Calls" in the list on the left.
To get Bill Text information go to the House home page, click on the "Bill Status" link, type in the LD number, click "Search" and then choose "Bill Text and Other Docs" from the list on the left.
The Maine Law and Legislative Reference Library has a home page at with a variety of options to help people do research and a link for contact information in the second paragraph. They can also be reached at 43 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0043 tel. (207) 287-1600.
© 2025 - The Maine House of Representatives
Last Edited: Saturday, February 1, 2025